Monday, November 16, 2009

the señors - 1960s doo wop - radical.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

oh, the popcorn and the dreams!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

see you in barbados, world!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

CRAZY MAN making blogs!

i googled 'nardly tarkleson.' nothing came up. i googled '20 year old douche bag.' douche bags came up. i clicked on them. i went to a blog. the blog was funny. i read it...

minivan monologues

the maker of this blog has a son. this is his blog:

the crazy man blog

it's one of the most awesome pieces of writing i've ever seen in a long time...

checks it out, yos!



Friday, June 26, 2009

michael jackson

michael jackson. being awesome (and scary (as usual)).

Sunday, May 31, 2009

i like sacha baron cohen.

i don't want this to have been staged. if eminem knew eminem knew eminem knew, then i like sacha baron cohen a little less.

either way, the idea is funny, though. i guess...

Thursday, April 30, 2009


changes. funny changes.

don't ya think?

the changes are funny - but, inevitably funny changes...


a truly excellent video...

the jerk practice

Saturday, April 11, 2009

a city of meandering robots (helping actual robots)...

this is more interesting than it is funny... plus, it supports an observation that i've often made: new yorkers are helpful people.

if ever i'm lost around town, there's always someone here willing to help. that's a nice thing.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

submarine-inspired comedy

i'm an american. i like snappy comedy duos. this one is particularly excellent. like a catchy pop song, they have a knack for writing bits that are instantly memorable and that get stuck in your head for days and days. here's one of their videos. they should make more...

team submarine is nate furnald and steve o'brien. they're one of my favorite groups to see live - super right on...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

snuggie, as semantic contagion and muse

fourteen posts all rolled into one gargantuous snuggie inspired rambling...

i've been meaning to write something about jimmy fallon's first show because, after watching it, i could not help but think of conan's first shows - i realize everyone's making this obvious comparison, but hear me out...

as an 11 year old with poor bedtime managers for parents, i watched conan quite a bit during his early years. i remember struggling through silly, stupid skits and awkward interviews thinking, "at least his band is kinda cool." and, it was...

but, here are the reasons i, as a pre-adolescent boy, felt that conan 'o brien's show was awesome:
-a lot of the shit he did was stupid... and he knew it and quickly learned to laugh at himself because of it
-he had a co-host
-his band was cool
-he was likable
-no one really watched the show
-the critics hated it

in a lot of ways, the fact that conan's show was panned by so many people, i think, loosened him up and actually helped his show get better. plus, he had andy richter, which was fucking awesome.

in jimmy fallon's case, he doesn't have an andy richter, but the roots are definitely cool, so that's good.

as for jimmy's first episode, though, it was fucking awkward. really. except for Slow Jam News and JT, of course, the show was a hodge-podge, hard-to-watch train wreck. i kinda think that's a good thing, though. i mean, after the episode was over, i still liked him. i saw his twitchy, shitty question asking style and thought, "he's nervous, but i definitely don't hate him."

i guess what i'm trying to say is, jimmy fallon's got a shot. the show won't flow as it should for a while, but based on the first few episodes, i think it could work. he's likable and if he can successfully make the audience feel like he knows that some of the shit he does just ain't funny, but he laughs anyway, i think the show could work. so, critics: give him shit and say his show sucks, please. then, i think the show just might take off...

yesterday, my room mate, matt, made a startling realization: a snuggie is really just a bathrobe that a person wears backwards (kriss kross style, yo). those marketing geniuses!

anyway, here's my favorite jimmy fallon clip (aside from the kenneth the page thing). tracy morgan (jordan) is fucking hilarious, they're wearing snuggies, and jimmy fallon actually gives you a glimpse of what he might be like once he gets his bearings as a host.

have a look:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

enough of this JIBBER JABBER, B.A. Baracus!

i talked about the a-team today at school... from there, the brain wandered.

but really, "look at those delicious grill marks!" mr. t is an american icon. this one is a bit more disturbing:

oh, and during my internet wanderings, i came across this super awesome blog, everything is terrible - they take weird infomercials and 80s videos and edit them into hilarious snippets. definitely a glorious waste of time. this one is probably my fave.

lessons learned: mr. t still gots it and, everything is terrible - do it!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

PENISES, NIGGERS, and freak dancin' secretaries of state - why Will Ferrell's Bush was actually GOOD...

i've said it since eight grade science: "anyone who can effectively weave penises, thoughtful political commentary, and sexy stripper dances together is alright in my book."

thankfully, my 'alright book' is big and has lots of blank pages with ample room for tall, goofy former SNL actors whose names rhyme with Phil Merrell.

to be quite i honest, i knew "you're welcome america," will ferrell's 8-week broadway run as former (hooray!) president george w. bush, was gonna be hilarious. i mean, i could listen to will ferrell read the ingredients on a cereal box and laugh hysterically...

what i did not expect, however, were the thoughtful and well placed political observations. they were smart, clever, and definitely helped make the one-sided george bush who played with yarn in the oval office a character i could listen to for an hour-and-a-half show. in other words, will ferrell was good. he pulled it off and he pulled it off well...

plus, he riffed (lots) and there was dancing... and racial slurs that made people gasp... and pictures of male genitalia that made people squirm. it was good... so good, i'll be watching the HBO special.

here's an awesome ferrell bush clip...

Friday, February 20, 2009

mom. i say mom...


every where you look, these guys are doing something good.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

oh, jim breuer...

the video of a rat sitting on a cat sitting on a dog has set off a bizarre animal video binge. so, while i'm at it...

and, on this one, i agree with the goats: "these girls are idiots."

perhaps, goats across the world were inspired by jim breuer's hilarious early-90s antics...

some things i now wonder:

do all goats have manlier voices than i have?

why, at 26, is this the first time i've ever heard of a goat doing this?

and, what other animals (that i don't know about) speak with the clarity of successful news radio hosts?


makes you proud to be a member of the animal community...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

make MORE videos, BRENT!

while watching barack obama's inauguration ceremony today, i wept. poignantly, in my pathetic (yet, undeniably, charming) state, my teary eyes and runny nose reminded me of a certain super-excellent, nyc comedian's video on that very subject...

every time i finish watching this video, i whisper softly into a tired, clenched fist: "why the hell doesn't brent sullivan make any more videos?"

his standup rocks and he'll charm your socks off - see him live this friday (1/23), @ soundfix, in brooklyn - 8pm!

oh, and brent, make more VIDEOS!!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

practicing JERKS!

the guys in jerk practice - when they're on - are better than pretty much EVERY other sketch comedy group i've seen in NY. so, with that said, of ALL the comedy videos i watched online last year, this is by far the one i watched the most and forwarded on to the most people. enjoy.

they somehow find a way to be both uncannily intelligent and stupidly crass. it's really quite beautiful. comedy that makes you scratch your head is hard to come by. and, more than your average sketch comedy group, these guys make that happen. i love this video, even though it makes me feel pretty gross...

oh, and if you get a chance to check them out live, demand that they perform "sacamagundy" or "overlord krieg." both are brilliant!