Sunday, January 25, 2009

oh, jim breuer...

the video of a rat sitting on a cat sitting on a dog has set off a bizarre animal video binge. so, while i'm at it...

and, on this one, i agree with the goats: "these girls are idiots."

perhaps, goats across the world were inspired by jim breuer's hilarious early-90s antics...

some things i now wonder:

do all goats have manlier voices than i have?

why, at 26, is this the first time i've ever heard of a goat doing this?

and, what other animals (that i don't know about) speak with the clarity of successful news radio hosts?


makes you proud to be a member of the animal community...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

make MORE videos, BRENT!

while watching barack obama's inauguration ceremony today, i wept. poignantly, in my pathetic (yet, undeniably, charming) state, my teary eyes and runny nose reminded me of a certain super-excellent, nyc comedian's video on that very subject...

every time i finish watching this video, i whisper softly into a tired, clenched fist: "why the hell doesn't brent sullivan make any more videos?"

his standup rocks and he'll charm your socks off - see him live this friday (1/23), @ soundfix, in brooklyn - 8pm!

oh, and brent, make more VIDEOS!!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

practicing JERKS!

the guys in jerk practice - when they're on - are better than pretty much EVERY other sketch comedy group i've seen in NY. so, with that said, of ALL the comedy videos i watched online last year, this is by far the one i watched the most and forwarded on to the most people. enjoy.

they somehow find a way to be both uncannily intelligent and stupidly crass. it's really quite beautiful. comedy that makes you scratch your head is hard to come by. and, more than your average sketch comedy group, these guys make that happen. i love this video, even though it makes me feel pretty gross...

oh, and if you get a chance to check them out live, demand that they perform "sacamagundy" or "overlord krieg." both are brilliant!