Wednesday, March 4, 2009

PENISES, NIGGERS, and freak dancin' secretaries of state - why Will Ferrell's Bush was actually GOOD...

i've said it since eight grade science: "anyone who can effectively weave penises, thoughtful political commentary, and sexy stripper dances together is alright in my book."

thankfully, my 'alright book' is big and has lots of blank pages with ample room for tall, goofy former SNL actors whose names rhyme with Phil Merrell.

to be quite i honest, i knew "you're welcome america," will ferrell's 8-week broadway run as former (hooray!) president george w. bush, was gonna be hilarious. i mean, i could listen to will ferrell read the ingredients on a cereal box and laugh hysterically...

what i did not expect, however, were the thoughtful and well placed political observations. they were smart, clever, and definitely helped make the one-sided george bush who played with yarn in the oval office a character i could listen to for an hour-and-a-half show. in other words, will ferrell was good. he pulled it off and he pulled it off well...

plus, he riffed (lots) and there was dancing... and racial slurs that made people gasp... and pictures of male genitalia that made people squirm. it was good... so good, i'll be watching the HBO special.

here's an awesome ferrell bush clip...

1 comment:

Kaitland said...